Hej allihopa! This weekend I participated in Sandra Schellhase’s Language Jam social media challenge, in which participants have four days to study a language which they are randomly assigned. I was so happy to get Swedish! …
Continue readingLe défi de se filmer pendant 30 jours
Prefer to read this post in English? You can find it here. Pour le 28ème jour du défi de se filmer pendant 30 jours, j’ai décidé de parler du défi lui-même, et de pourquoi je pense que …
Continue reading#30DRYC: How To Use Challenges as Motivation in Language Learning
We’re at the end of the 30-Day Record Yourself Challenge, in which language learners are recording themselves speaking in their target language for at least a minute every day. It has been challenging to keep up, but …
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